Venus Versa™ uses cutting edge technology to offer non-surgical solutions for some of today's most in-demand aesthetic concerns, including premature signs of aging, acne, unwanted hair, skin damage, uneven texture, and wrinkles.



What is Venus Versa?

Venus Versa™ is a medical aesthetic device that can target a wide range of aesthetic concerns using a combination of different clinical technologies. The system can deliver up to nine different treatments that address concerns from anti-aging and skin resurfacing, to hair removal and acne reduction*. Your treatment provider may not offer all nine treatments, so it's always best to check with them beforehand about what their specific Venus Versa™ treatment system is equipped with.


What Can Venus Versa Do For You.

Hair Removal

Get rid of or reduce unwanted hair on the face and body.

Photo Rejuvenation

Reduce uneven complexion, discoloration, sun spots, and more.

Wrinkle Reduction

Reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines

Skin Tightening

Become a more youthful you with tighter, fresher looking skin.

Body Contouring +
Cellulite Reduction

Improve the appearance of body fat and cellulite without going under the knife.

Skin Resurfacing

Repair signs of skin damage including scarring, visible pores, stretch marks, deep wrinkles, and uneven skin texture.

How It Works.

With our treatments, expect an extremely comfortable experience and the luxury of no downtime, enabling you to seamlessly return to your daily activities immediately post-treatment. We prioritize safety and effectiveness, employing advanced radio frequency technology that is proven to be efficacious and safe across all skin tones. Tailoring our approach to your unique needs, most patients typically require 6-8 sessions per area to fully realize optimal results, though the specific number can vary depending on the individual and the targeted section. Dive deeper into the multifaceted benefits of Venus Versa treatments and embark on your personalized path to rejuvenation by contacting us and requesting a consultation today.

  • Absolutely. Exact treatment times may vary depending on the patient, but a single session typically takes no longer than 30 minutes.

  • Venus Versa™ photofacial treatments are powered by Intense Pulsed Light technology, which targets the pigment in your skin. They tend to work best for light to medium skin tones. The treatment may work on darker skin, but there is a higher risk of discoloration because darker skin has more pigment in it. It’s best to consult with your treatment provider to see if the treatment is right for you.

  • Make sure your skin is clean. Do not apply any lotions, creams, perfumes, powder, or makeup before your treatment session, and avoid tanning. Remove all jewelry around the area being treated. If you have excessive hair on the treatment area, shave it beforehand. It also helps to be prepared with information about your medical history—the technician will likely ask about it.

  • The applicator has a cooling feature built into it to make the treatment as comfortable as possible, but you might feel a bit of discomfort if you’re treating a more sensitive area, like the upper lip. If you find it too uncomfortable, let the operator know and they can adjust the treatment accordingly.

  • Your skin may feel warm, like a sunburn, and can remain red for anywhere from a few hours to a day. Be sure to follow instructions for before and after your treatment.




Body Treatments at


Elevate your wellness and confidence with invigorating body treatments at Remedy Hair Restoration & Medical Spa, your sanctuary for revitalization in Grand Rapids. Each journey with us is a harmonious blend of science, expertise, and luxury, meticulously designed to nurture your body and spirit. From our high-tech body contouring to our lush skincare treatments, we are devoted to providing results that empower you. Don’t simply dream of rejuvenation—experience it in its purest form at Remedy.

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