Chemical Peels


Welcome to the Chemical Peels service page at Remedy Hair Restoration and Med Spa clinic. For those seeking a youthful, radiant glow, our chemical peel treatments stand as a beacon of rejuvenation. Leveraging years of expertise, Dr. Rosner meticulously tailors each treatment to individual skin concerns, ensuring unparalleled results. Dive deeper to understand how our non-invasive chemical peels, which work by exfoliating the skin's outermost layers, can unveil a smoother and more vibrant complexion for you.

What Is A Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a sought-after cosmetic procedure that harnesses specially formulated solutions to meticulously exfoliate the skin's surface layers. This non-invasive treatment effectively removes damaged and aged skin cells, unveiling a smoother, rejuvenated, and more youthful complexion beneath. Ideal for addressing various skin concerns, from fine lines to sun damage, chemical peels have become a cornerstone in skincare regimens for those desiring radiant and revitalized skin. Dive into the transformative world of chemical peels and discover the myriad benefits they offer.

Benefits of Chemical Peels.


If you struggle with dark spots, sun damage, or uneven skin tone, chemical peels can help lighten and even out your complexion.


Chemical peels can reduce acne breakouts, unclog pores, and minimize acne scarring for clearer skin.

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Chemical peels promote collagen production, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a smoother, more youthful complexion.

Uneven Texture

Whether you have rough, dull, or rough skin texture, chemical peels can improve skin texture and promote a smoother, more radiant appearance.

Financing Options Available

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VI Peel Precision Plus

Our most popular treatment, this medium-depth powerhouse peel works to suppress melanogenesis—the production of melanin—at the source while promoting rapid cell turnover for more even and bright skin tone. Resurfacing action reveals brighter, renewed skin for results in 7 days.

For Skin Concerns:

Sun Damage


UV-Induced Pigmentation


Hyperpigmentation (IPH)


Remedy’s Chemical Peel Options

VI Peel Precision with Precision Plus

Pigmentation issues PLUS acne and/or acne scarring? Enjoy two treatments in one! Take on current breakouts and the scars and pigmentation they leave behind. Our superior purifying and smoothing acne treatment clears away dead skin cells and excess oil to speed breakout clearing and purify pores to prevent breakouts. By targeting melanogenesis—the production of melanin—at the source, this treatment helps minimize stubborn post-acne scars and uneven tone for a brighter, smoother surface.


For Skin Concerns:

Excessive Oil

Acne with Hyperpigmentation

Acne Scarring

Adult Acne

VI Peel Purify

Our most popular treatment, this medium-depth powerhouse peel works to suppress melanogenesis—the production of melanin—at the source while promoting rapid cell turnover for more even and bright skin tone. Resurfacing action reveals brighter, renewed skin for results in 7 days.

For Skin Concerns:

Active Acne

Break-out Prone Skin

Oily and Congested Skin

Teen Acne


VI Peel Advanced

This potent, powerful treatment is ideal for more mature clients that want to intensify results against deep-set wrinkles and loss of elasticity. Our innovative treatment is formulated with a synergistic blend of ingredients that penetrate deeper to combat the signs of aging and soften fine lines and wrinkles. This targeted formula helps enhance collagen stimulation to increase cell turnover and help firm the skin.


For Skin Concerns:

Aging Skin (Ages 40+)


Fine Lines

Loss of Elasticity

VI Peel Original

A great first-time peel for all age groups and skin types seeking multiple benefits from their peel—including tighter-looking skin, smoother texture, and renewed radiance. VI Peel Original is specifically formulated to rejuvenate, refresh, and reset for rapid, visible results safely and effectively.


For Skin Concerns:

Sensitive Skin

Early Signs of Aging (Ages 20+)

Rough Texture

ToxBooster Treatment

A combined, same-day treatment that involves the safe, painless, custom VI Peel as prescribed by your practitioner in conjunction with a Neurotoxin injectable to enhance and extend beneficial results. Boost the results of your injection service, increase collagen production, reduce sun damage, and improve overall tone and texture – all in one visit!


For Skin Concerns:

Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Sun Damage and Pigmentation

Uneven Tone and Texture

Acne/Acne Scarring

VI Peel Body

The makers of the #1 Chemical Peel for the face want you to have your best body ever. First-of-its-kind, non-invasive, and pain-free. VI Peel Body treatments stimulate anti-aging collagen to increase cellular turnover. Help target troubled areas and reveal smoother, more radiant skin in just one treatment. Safe for all skin types, tones, and textures – it’s a peel for every body.


For Skin Concerns:

Pigmentation and Fine Lines on the Decollete

Body Acne

Scars from Acne, Surgeries or Injuries

Stretch Marks

Sagging Skin

  • You may peel up to two weeks after the treatment, but most up to one week. Usually maximum peeling starts on Day 3!

  • Chemical peels utilize acids that change the PH level of the skin allowing it to loosen the dead skin from the new skin for a deep exfoliation revealing a new healthy layer of skin.

  • Yes, you will see results from one treatment, but the best results come from time and multiple treatments. Just like it takes a long time for skin to age, it can take a long time to reverse damage as well.




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