Non-Surgical Hair Systems

Discover the future of hair restoration with our non-invasive, time-efficient method. Our hair systems seamlessly integrate into an active lifestyle, maintaining their natural appearance even through swimming or sports. These aren't mere wigs – they're genuine solutions for both men and women seeking authentic hair replacement.

Get A Full Head of Hair Without Surgery.

Hair thinning is a common part of aging, but with Remedy Hair Restoration & Medical Spa in Grand Rapids, MI, reclaiming your lush, youthful locks has never been easier. We offer advanced non-surgical hair systems that start with a comprehensive hair assessment, followed by a tailored mold of your scalp. Each hair system, crafted at specialized facilities, uses real hair, ensuring natural-looking results that effortlessly blend with your existing hairline. Unlike traditional wigs, our systems stay secure during daily activities, offering a confident and undetectable solution for both men and women. To learn more about revitalizing your hair, reach out to us at 616-214-7228.

Benefits of Nonsurgical Hair Systems.

Durability + Stability

These systems are securely adhered, allowing you to engage in daily activities, sports, and even swimming without worry.

Natural Appearance

Non-surgical hair systems use real hair, ensuring seamless integration with your existing hair for an authentic look.

Immediate Results

Unlike some hair restoration methods that require waiting for growth, non-surgical systems provide instant fullness and coverage.

No Surgical Risks

Bypassing the potential complications of surgical procedures, non-surgical hair systems offer a safe and non-invasive alternative.

Custom Fit

Tailored to the individual, each hair system is molded to your scalp for a comfortable and perfect fit.

Financing Options Available

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Why Non-Surgical Hair Systems at Remedy?

This hair restoration option is non-invasive, comfortable and less time-consuming than other methods. Plus, your new hair system won’t hold you back from an active lifestyle. You can wear it while swimming or playing sports without damaging its natural look. Non Surgical hair systems are not wigs or fake hair – a great solution for men and women’s hair replacement. Reach out to us today to learn more about your hair restoration options.


Hair Restoration at


Embarking on a journey to restore your hair and confidence is a significant decision. At Remedy Med Spa in Grand Rapids, we prioritize not only the aesthetics but the overall well-being and satisfaction of our clients.

  • The lifespan of a non-surgical hair system typically ranges from 3 months to 12 months, depending on the quality, care, and daily wear and tear. Regular maintenance and proper care can extend the system's longevity.

  • Absolutely! Our High-quality non-surgical hair systems are designed to withstand daily activities, including showering, swimming, and exercising. However, it's essential to follow aftercare recommendations to ensure the system remains in top condition.

  • Yes, non-surgical hair systems are crafted using real hair and are customized to match your hair's color, density, and texture. When applied by professionals, they blend seamlessly with your existing hair, offering a natural and undetectable appearance.

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