SmartGraft Hair Restoration

Hair loss can be a thing of the past, thanks to the innovative SmartGraft technology. At Remedy Med Spa in Grand Rapids, we provide state-of-the-art hair restoration solutions, ensuring seamless and natural outcomes with SmartGraft.

What is SmartGraft.

In Grand Rapids, Remedy Med Spa's SmartGraft represents the pinnacle of FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant innovations. With SmartGraft, you can bid farewell to thinning or balding patches, all without the need for scalpel incisions or linear scars. Our top-tier hair transplant team harnesses this state-of-the-art technology to expertly relocate robust hair follicles from the back of your head, rejuvenating areas like the crown in women or receding hairlines in men. Every SmartGraft procedure is meticulously tailored to address your unique hair restoration needs, promising natural, impressive results in just one session under local anesthesia.

Benefits of SmartGraft.

Natural Appearance

Ensures consistent and natural-looking hair regrowth.

Precision Technique

Advanced technology aids in the precise extraction and placement of hair follicles.

Men + Women

The SmartGraft Procedure is excellent for men and women.

Swift Recovery

Clients can return to their daily activities swiftly post-treatment

Less Invasive

No scalpel, no stitches, and no linear scars.

Financing Options Available

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What Makes SmartGraft Different.

SmartGraft stands as the premier solution for FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant in today's advanced aesthetic landscape. This state-of-the-art handheld device ensures a minimally invasive approach to hair restoration, expertly harvesting individual follicular units straight from the scalp's Donor Area. The result? Effective hair transplantation without the unsightly linear scars or noticeable "zipper" appearance.

Mimicking the precision of a microsurgical human hand, SmartGraft's ergonomic design streamlines the extraction and storage of FUE grafts, ensuring optimal graft quality and success rates. With its efficient system, the device minimizes the handling and transferring of grafts, resulting in speedier and more efficient FUE procedures. Not only does this shortened procedure time mitigate risks of graft failure and enhance hair growth quality, but it also promises an unparalleled comfortable experience for patients seeking hair restoration.


Hair Restoration at


Embarking on a journey to restore your hair and confidence is a significant decision. At Remedy Med Spa in Grand Rapids, we prioritize not only the aesthetics but the overall well-being and satisfaction of our clients.

  • Using only local anesthetic, physicians use the SmartGraft device to gently extract individual micro hair grafts from the back of your head. These grafts are then implanted into the balding areas to regrow thick, healthy, natural hair.

  • Newly transplanted hair grows naturally in several phases. You’ll see new hairs in about three months, followed by a noticeable improvement in six months and full growth at 12 to 14 months.

  • No. If your hair is long enough, a physician can harvest hair grafts using the SmartGraft by shaving small areas that can be covered by your longer hair.

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