8 Best Hair Restoration Treatments


Hair loss is a personal journey that many people silently struggle with. Each story brims with concerns about appearance, identity, and self-confidence. For a long time, people have been looking for ways to have healthy and beautiful hair, using older and new methods. 

Hair restoration is a popular field in beauty medicine today. It combines science and art to assist people experiencing hair loss. 

Discover eight highly effective hair restoration treatments that showcase the innovation and advancements of our era.


NeoGraft Hair Restoration – A Revolutionary Technique

NeoGraft Hair Restoration Treatment provides a modern solution for hair loss. It uses a minimally invasive approach that is effective. This treatment option is ideal for those seeking solutions for their hair loss. This section delves into the NeoGraft method, highlighting its key aspects and patient benefits.

Follicular Unit Extraction with NeoGraft:

NeoGraft is a method that uses a machine to extract hair follicles from the scalp without cutting out a strip of scalp tissue. They call this method theFollicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique.

It removes individual hair follicles one by one. The process does not require any long linear incisions on the scalp as with the older technique for hair transplants. The precision of this method promotes a natural-looking outcome and a uniform distribution of hair.

The Role of Suction in NeoGraft:

The NeoGraft device gently removes hair follicles using controlled suction, minimizing the risk of damage compared to manual extraction. This contributes to the viability of the follicles and the success of their subsequent implantation.

Less Invasive:

Unlike traditional hair restoration methods that may leave linear scars, NeoGraft's leaves no linear wide scaring and requires no sutures.This feature is particularly appealing for patients who prefer to keep their hair short. However, FUE is not a scarless procedure but they are relatively small if they do occur and can be most times hidden.

Recovery Considerations:

Recovery is usually faster with FUE which makes it a good choice for people who want to get back to their daily routine quickly after the procedure.


SmartGraft Hair Restoration – Advanced Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Method

SmartGraft Hair Restoration Treatment  is an innovative technology that has significantly advanced the field of hair restoration. In this section, we will discuss how SmartGraft works. Experts consider it a significant advancement in hair transplant procedures. We will focus on the precision of the method and the comfort it offers to patients.

Innovations in Follicle Extraction:

SmartGraft revolutionizes hair transplantation through its automated system, which gently extracts hair follicles from the donor area. The precision of SmartGraft ensures a high survival rate for the transplanted follicles, crucial for successful growth.

SmartGraft's Efficient Processing:

The device’s capability to sort and count hair grafts streamlines the transplantation process. This efficiency translates into shorter procedure times and contributes to the overall comfort of the experience for the patient.

Minimally Invasive with No Linear Scarring:

SmartGraft's method is less invasive than traditional surgical options, as it does not require scalpel incisions. This means patients can avoid worrying about visible linear scars. This is ideal for individuals who prefer short hair or wish to conceal evidence of hair transplant surgery.

Maximizing Graft Viability:

SmartGraft's unique storage system keeps harvested follicles in optimal condition until they're ready for implantation. By maintaining the right moisture levels, the grafts have a better chance of thriving once placed in the recipient areas.


Non-Surgical Hair Systems – Seamlessly Integrate with Your Lifestyle

Non-surgical hair systems represent a sophisticated blend of artistry and practicality and transform your look without the need for surgery. These systems can change your appearance in a dramatic and natural way.

The Essentials of Non-Surgical Hair Systems:

Non-surgical hair systems offer a significant aesthetic enhancement over traditional wigs. These systems are made with real human hair to look just like natural hair growth.

Security and Comfort in Daily Life:

These hair systems can withstand the rigors of daily life. They remain secure during various activities, giving wearers confidence without the worry of displacement that is often associated with traditional wigs.

Bespoke Hair Solutions:

Customized non-surgical hair systems are made to blend seamlessly. . They create a flawless and undetectable look that matches your personal style and existing hair. They are designed to avoid detection.

Advantages of Non-Surgical Hair Systems:

Opting for a non-surgical hair system translates to an immediate transformation without the potential discomfort or downtime associated with surgical interventions. Moreover, the non-invasive nature of these systems aligns with the growing trend towards less aggressive cosmetic solutions.

Considerations for Ongoing Excellence:

Non-surgical hair systems do require maintenance to sustain their quality and appearance. This maintenance is a compromise. It helps avoid more invasive and permanent surgical procedures. It also allows flexibility to change one's style as desired.


Medical Hair Loss Treatments – Combining Minoxidil and Finasteride

When confronting hair loss, understanding the power of combined Medical Hair Loss treatments is crucial. This passage dives into the dual approach of using both Minoxidil and Finasteride for combating hair loss effectively.

Understanding Minoxidil and Finasteride:

These two medications are essential for treating hair loss, particularly when it is caused by hormonal imbalances such as androgenic alopecia.

Researchers first discovered Minoxidil during research on ulcer treatments, but now it is known for promoting hair growth. Finasteride reduces DHT levels. DHT is known to cause hair loss and prevent new hair growth.  

The Combined Approach:

Using minoxidil in conjunction with Finasteride is a strategic move in hair restoration therapy. Minoxidil helps hair grow by increasing blood flow and Finasteride stops hair follicles from getting smaller by blocking DHT. This treatment plan addresses hair loss by targeting hormones and promoting follicle growth.

Balanced Treatment for Optimal Results:

The goal of combining Minoxidil and Finasteride is to maximize the hair restoration process. This treatment helps with hair loss by looking at different factors. It not only makes hair thicker but also offers a long-term solution for people dealing with hair loss. Both Minoxidil and Finasteride are offered in a topical solution and oral tablets. We offer both at Remedy. 


PRP Hair Restoration – Harnessing the Power of Platelets

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a newer treatment that uses the body's natural healing abilities to treat hair loss. The treatment starts with a simple blood draw. After the tube of blood is placed in a machine called a centrifuge which separates out the platelets. These platelets release these natural growth factors, which are pivotal for regeneration and healing, making PRP a promising route for hair restoration.

The PRP Process Explained:

PRP for hair restoration involves three main stages: blood collection, centrifugation, and injection. A blood sample, typically between 22 to 60 milliliters, is spun in a centrifuge to separate the plasma enriched with platelets. The platelet-rich plasma is a concentrated source of growth factors. It is injected carefully into the areas of the scalp where hair is thinning or being lost.

How PRP Promotes Hair Health:

The treatment rejuvenates follicles by increasing blood supply and providing a boost of nutrients, effectively.

  • Stimulating the hair shaft to promote thickness

  • Guarding against premature hair shedding

  • Enhancing follicle health for denser hair

  • Catalyzing the growth cycle of hair follicles


Nutrafol Hair Supplements – Natural Growth from Within

Nutrafol Hair Supplement Treatment is different from other hair health products that use harsh chemicals or medications. Nutrafol is dedicated to a natural, drug-free approach. This sets it apart in the world of hair health products. Nutrafol's supplements are made with natural ingredients to combat thinning hair, strengthen hair, and improve overall hair health.

The Core of Nutrafol: Synergen Complex® and Natural DHT Blockers:

Nutrafol works well because of the Synergen Complex®, which is a special mix of strong plant-based ingredients, including standardized phytoactives. This new complex targets the main causes of hair thinning. It combines natural DHT blockers.

The main reasons for hair thinning include hormonal imbalances, stress, and aging. Nutrafol addresses these issues and offers aholistic approach that respects the body’s natural processes while fostering substantial hair growth.


NeoLTS Hair Restoration – Innovative Light Therapy for Hair Growth

NeoLTS Hair Restoration treatment stands out with its innovative use of light therapy. NeoLTS uses red, near-infrared, and blue lights to help hair grow thicker and healthier. It has over 4,000 strong LEDs that work together to rejuvenate the scalp. This treatment uses therapeutic light to stimulate hair follicles and improve scalp health without being invasive.

How NeoLTS Works:

NeoLTS light therapy revitalizes scalp tissue through a series of biological and cellular reactions. Here’s how it benefits hair growth:

Encouraging Hair Growth: NeoLTS helps hair follicles grow by increasing oxygen delivery and blood flow.

Enhancement of Cellular Energy: The therapy stimulates cellular energy production, essential for hair growth and follicle health.

Tissue Regeneration: Promoting tissue repair and regeneration, NeoLTS can also assist in the healing process after hair transplantation procedures.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: The light therapy reduces scalp inflammation, a common barrier to healthy hair growth.


Viviscal Pro Hair Restoration – Clinically Proven Hair Growth Supplement

Viviscal Pro Hair Restoration Treatment serves as an excellent choice for individuals struggling with hair loss and thinning. This supplement, which is drug-free, has received praise for promoting hair growth from the inside. Viviscal Pro is suitable for both men and women. It contains AminoMar, a marine complex that helps promote hair health.

Understanding the Science Behind Viviscal Pro:

Viviscal Pro's success is due to AminoMar, a marine complex that has been proven to stimulate hair growth in clinical research. This unique blend, combined with essential nutrients like vitamin C, biotin, and minerals, helps to nourish thinning hair.

It helps promote strong growth and decrease hair shedding. Viviscal Pro uses natural ingredients like apple extract powder and amino acids to help restore hair. This shows their dedication to using nutrition for hair health.

Benefits of Choosing Viviscal Pro:

No Drugs: Viviscal Pro is a good choice instead of prescription treatments because it doesn't have drugs in it. This means there is less chance of side effects, making it safe to use for a long time.

Viviscal Pro's effectiveness is backed by over 25 years of research, making it clinically validated and instilling confidence in its users.

Viviscal Pro gives your scalp and hair the important nutrients they need to grow strong and healthy.


How Remedy Spa Hair Restoration & Medical Spa Guides You to Revitalize Hair

How Remedy Spa Hair Restoration & Medical Spa Paves Your Way to Rejuvenated Hair

Discover the Remedy Spa Difference:

At Remedy Spa Hair Restoration & Medical Spa, we understand that hair restoration is not just about appearance. Also about rebuilding your confidence and self-esteem. We believe in creating personalized hair restoration plans that meet each person's specific needs and goals.

Our team of medical experts is led by renowned specialists. They dedicate themselves to using the most up-to-date advancements in hair restoration technology and techniques. Their goal is to achieve the best possible results. Learn more about our Hair Restoration Treatments in Grand Rapids, MI or learn about our financing options.

Take the first step towards your hair restoration journey. Book a consultation with Remedy Hair Restoration & Medical Spa to create a personalized plan for you. 


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